Interior lighting

Ordinary interior lighting is likely to be the most complex situation to mimic.
The various light actors may be incandescent or floursecent fixtures, with any number of different shades or defusers. Natural light may also be present, more often as scattered light than direct rays of sunlight. Most rooms are small enough that the effect of light repeatedly reflecting from ceiling to floor to walls is readily noticable. This sort of enviroinment is best modelled by a method called "radiosity". Due to the huge computational expense of radiosity, Imagine does not support this. It's left to the user to contrive plausible approximations.

Remember that the final images is flat, and the depth cues provided by our vision is lacking. Because dispersed light tends to flatten out appearances, one may not want to approach the highly blended light present in contemporary interiors. Leaving in more shading and retaining the sense of depth is a good trade-off.

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